Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Waiting Room

I've been meaning to mention this to you, it just seemed so hiliarious at the time. I had an entire dialogue with myself in a waiting room that looks like Avonlea's tea parlor. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the time being toddler-less, sitting back in a Pottery Barn chair usually browsing through their magazine or any other one that is available, but my recent time there (similar to some sort of sentence) inspired the following piece of irony. I suppose you can say that this is my disclaimer.

~the shere irony of waiting in a room surrounded by hormones, for the appearance of one person, "the name-caller".~

You would almost liken it to waiting in line for take-out at lunchtime; everyone has their game face on with the "I got here first look in there eyes". Some more discreetly than others, I always sport the "given-in and taking a nap look". The whole scene reminds me of the "soup guy" from Senfield. Everyone is on edge waiting for their name to be called and "Lord have mercy" if you have the same name as someone else. I have started to bring my own pregnancy tailgating supplies, pillow and refreshments hehe j/k. Each of us have our own reasons to wait for an hour to be proded and poked. One, we get to hear our little one's heartbeat (no sound is sweeter to a momma), two, sometimes it is for a sneak peek at the little guy/gal (which truly is the best reason I think), and three, the routine (you gotta do what you gotta do).

I hate to say, this week I actually starting feeling guilty for enjoying this waiting room drama, but you have to experience it for yourself to really get tickled. What happens when you put pregnant women in a room and ask them to wait for an hour? Let your imagination take over... some of the most humorous for people watchers like myself is the duo, trio, or family occasion participants.
-Duo: These participants usually consist of the anxious spouse and the calm spouse, the blissful parents, and/or the ride and the patient.
-Trio: The happy couple with baby number one, toddler/little one number one, and/or any combo of family.
-Family occasion: This is perhaps my favorite of waiting room combinations, the excitement is truly contagious. It is usually for the gender viewing or the first sonogram.. Ahhh grandbaby heaven..
I don't just watch to pass the time, I also love to hear/share stories, cry with those that cry and laugh with those that laugh :).
All in all I love all my friends at the waiting room and any enjoyment I get from watching and talking with them is merely for my own sanity (You'll find me there one weekly to bi-weekly schedule) hehe.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Zoo

We headed toward the Jacksonville Zoo early this morning with high expectations. Josiah has many new found loves and they are all animals. Seeing as the majority of the communication we have daily may sound like noise or animal noise, we thought it quite appropriate to introduce him to the real thing. Startled by the actual sizes of the animals, Josiah was entranced by the creatures we observed. Taking on the role of a true safari guide, Josiah lead the way with his "light-up" shoes and frolicking pace. Truly an animal lover, he talked to, clapped for, petted, and fed the animals that we saw. His favorites were the goat, giraffe, cheetahs, spider monkeys, fish, and the various birds (able to chase).

The human company was also grand, we were joined by Grandad, Aunts Hosanna, Jubalee, and Melody, as well as Melody's boyfriend, Bruce. We all got a taste of childhood as we experienced the zoo anew through Josiah's excited eyes, suprised faces, and gleeful responses to each new exhibit.

At the end of our venture, Zach bought Josiah a little memory book to keep his zoo pictures in. My heart began to feel warm as I thought of all the nights, Josiah and I will look at the animals from the zoo before drifting off to sleep.