Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Drugery of Bliss

Each day that passes has it's ins and outs. Has it's ups and downs. Dirty diapers, leaky sippy cups, whiny noises,and messes galore. These are a few of my unfavorite things. Yet, in the midst of what might seem to be chaos are the most precious moments that I will ever spend. Living in a schedule of feeding, changing, playing,and sleeping. Daily tasks can become monotonous. But,there is a secret knowing in my heart that if I slow down in the midst of these tasks that I will make memories that will change my day and bring great joy to my heart. Some people just shake their heads at the work that it takes to raise two children under two. But, perhaps those people have never seen two babies laugh at one another or kiss each other and miss completely! I pray that in the midst of these daily tasks that I will find the time to lead these precious boys into a loving relationship as a family and most importantly show them the love of our precious Lord. I want with all my heart for them to love and to know they are loved. The other things that fill my day seem to stand still when we all share a smile or a laugh. I absolutely love being a mom.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Joshua on the Go

Well if you thought Josiah was cute on camera. The newest and latest footage of Joshie will knock your socks off! My kids just get cuter and cuter :)

Joshua is bound and determined to run around just like his older brother and is working on crawling as we speak. Take a look.

My Little Songbird

Well this is not the best take of Josiah singing. I will upload another video sooner than later. This mommy is just getting with the times if you know what I mean. Scrapbooking is a thing of the past with all of the available technology to record and preserve the most precious moments in life. I am so proud of myself, this is the first time I have ever uploaded a video to YouTube! Hurray!

Anyhew, Josiah is again absolutely adorable in this rendition of Old McDonald. His favorite part of course is the "E" "I" "E" "I" "O"!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I love love me

We are a special family.. Josiah and Josh are so blessed to have both sets of Grandparents close by! It is so wonderful to see MeMa and Grandaddy during the week and Granny Lu and Grandpa Sandy for Sunday dinners. So many memories and each one priceless as we spend this season so close to our loved ones. What a great summer we have to look forward too! We hope to spend more time with you then!

At the Park

At the Park...Having Fun
At the Park.. See Us Run
At the Park.. In the Sun
At the Park.. Until We're Done

The boys just love being outside, in the shade that is. It is so hard in Florida to keep little ones outside for too long. This slideshow is from a morning at the park with JoJo's friend David. They were enjoying the swings and slides until that summer sun started to heat up and then we were out of there. Joshie agreed that fun can only last so long.