The holidays just wouldn't have been the same without Josh and Jo, they have made these last three months magicial.. I don't usually use that word, but there is simply no other way to describe the difference they have brought to the holidays. Each preparation had a fresh breath of life and laughter mixed in :)
Starting off Fall with a bit of Trick or Treat Fun, we dressed up our two doodle bugs as the timeless duo, Tigger and Pooh. Pooh Bear made an appearance at Mommy's Fall Festival (at school), but nothing was a T-riffic as the carnival in Fernandina with Granny Lu and crew :P.
Truly the highlight of the night was this moment when Tigger and Pooh joined forces to walk out the door for their Carnival Outing. It warmed my heart to watch my little Pooh Bear trying his luck at all of the carnival games, even braving the Bounce House with Aunt Anna while the rest of us marveled at the sight of a bouncing Pooh. Little tigger just sat on the side line getting his hugs in from Granny Lu.
Thanksgiving was no different for our little pair, they were both in on the Holiday Festivities! We are blessed with two big loving families on each side, we feasted until we could feast no more. We began with a special holiday meal with MeMa and Papa, enjoying of course that our dear Uncle Micah was home to join with us.

Sweet Aunts Hosanna and Jubalee even knitted Jo and Josh matching sweaters for the wintery occasion. No Momma can resist dressing her babies alike, why this is no one may ever know :P.

Thanksgiving at the Bridges was full of dressing and dressing up! We were joined with all of the Bridges crew as well as long time friends. Josiah joined in the Karaoke fun by treating us to his rendition of our all time Rascal Flats favorites (hint of sarcasm there :P). He even wore Granpa Sandy's hat for full effect.
Just a marvelous time, as the lake always is, eating, playing, singing, and laughing. What more can you ask for, a sunset, yes that really always tops it off at the lake, breathtaking sunsets and a campfire before bed. I think Jo Jo would agree.
Just countless people, memories, and things to be grateful for this season. Even in the midst of daily challenges, nothing makes you feel grateful like time with those you love.
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